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The Bases screen

Bases are a system in Unnamed Space Idle, which provide boosts to various systems when prestiging, as well as some powerful one-time upgrades. They provide the player with a grid of slots, in which various buildings can be placed. These either produce base-specific resources (Materials and Parts), produce Components, or affect other buildings adjacent to them.

Not all base slots are unlocked from the start. Instead, players need to build up enough Materials or Parts to purchase new slots, which will then be available after the next prestige.

Components directly translate to a multiplier to the bases specific system. Building up components will show this multiplier on the base tab, and it will be applied upon prestiging.

Additionally, each base offers a set of one-time upgrades that can be purchased for base resources. These can range from providing massive bonuses, to upgrading or unlocking new systems altogether.

Base 1[edit | edit source]

Base 1

Base 1 is unlocked upon clearing sector 13. Its prestige bonus is a boost to Damage and Shields, which is calculated using the formula 3^max(log10(components/100), 0) / 2.5^max(log10(components/10^35), 0) - 1.

See Base 1 Setup for optimal grid setups.

Base 1 Building Types[edit | edit source]

  • Building Mats - Generates Building Materials, used for unlocking more base slots and upgrading buildings. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.
  • B. Components - Drains Building Materials to generate Battle Components. Battle Components increase Damage and Max Shields after a prestige. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.
  • Booster - Multiplies the production and drain of orthogonally adjacent buildings. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.

Base 1 One-Time Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Hover for details.

Reactor Boost LevelsUnlocks levels for reactor boosts
Cost: 2.00e7
Upgrade Weapon and Defense CoresUnlocks Tier 2 for most weapons and shields.
Cost: 2.00e8
RetrofittingRetrofits +1
Cost: 2.00e9
Compute Cap+Increase Compute Caps
Compute Levels/Second Cap +20
Cost: 2.00e11
Research LabMassive increase to research capabilities
Bonus to Research x30
Cost: 2.00e15
Base 1 SecurityUnlocks ability to start at base 1 on prestige
Cost: 2.00e17

Base 2[edit | edit source]

Base 2

Base 2 is unlocked upon clearing sector 26. Its prestige bonus is a boost to Compute Speed, which is calculated using the formula 1.75^max(log10(components/100), 0) / 1.5^max(log10(components/10^35), 0) - 1.

See Base 2 Setup for optimal grid setups.

Base 2 Building Types[edit | edit source]

  • Building Mats - Generates Building Materials, used for unlocking more base slots and upgrading buildings. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.
  • Parts - Generates Parts, used for upgrading buildings. Cost Building Materials to upgrade.
  • C. Components - Drains Building Materials to generate Comoute Components. Compute Components increase Compute Speed after a prestige. Costs Parts to upgrade.
  • Booster - Multiplies the production and drain of orthogonally adjacent buildings. Costs Parts to upgrade.

Base 2 One-Time Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Hover for details.

Compute ImprovementsUnlocks additional Compute tab with upgrades
Cost: 2.00e6
RetrofittingRetrofits +1
Cost: 2.00e8
Linked Base EfficiencyImproves Base Production and Significantly Improves Base 1 Production
Base 1-4 Production Multiplier x3
Base 1 Production Multiplier x5
Cost: 2.00e11
Upgrade Weapon and Defense CoresUnlocks Next Tier for most weapons and shields.
Cost: 2.00e14
Reactor FacilityMassive increase to research capabilities
Void Power Generation x30
Max Void Power x30
Cost: 2.00e16
Base 2 SecurityUnlocks ability to start at base 2 on prestige
Cost: 2.00e17

Base 3[edit | edit source]

Base 3

Base 3 is unlocked upon clearing sector 39. Its prestige bonus is Synth Speed, which is calculated using the formula 1.25^max(log10(components/100), 0) / 1.13^max(log10(components/10^30), 0) - 1.

See Base 3 Setup for optimal grid setups.

Base 3 Building Types[edit | edit source]

  • Building Mats - Generates Building Materials, used for unlocking more base slots and upgrading buildings. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.
  • Parts - Generates Parts, used for upgrading buildings. Cost Building Materials to upgrade.
  • S. Components - Drains Building Materials to generate Synth Components. Synth Components increase Synth Speed after a prestige. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.
  • Booster - Multiplies the production and drain of orthogonally adjacent buildings. Costs Parts to upgrade.
  • Drain Reduce - Reduces the drain of diagonally adjacent buildings. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.

Base 3 One-Time Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Hover for details.

Shard LinkingUnlocks ability to link shard slots
Cost: 2.00e8
RetrofittingRetrofits +1
Cost: 2.00e12
Retrofit RecyclingRetrofitting now grants you 25% of resources spent on core upgrades
Retrofit Cost Recuperation +0.25
Cost: 2.00e16
Upgrade Weapon and Defense CoresUnlocks Next Tier for most weapons and shields.
Cost: 2.00e24
Base 3 SecurityUnlocks ability to start at base 3 on prestige
Cost: 2.00e26

Base 4[edit | edit source]

Base 4

Base 4 is unlocked upon clearing sector 54. Its prestige bonus is Warp Essence Gained, which is calculated using the formula 1.25^max(log10(components/10000), 0) / 1.13^max(log10(components/10^30), 0) - 1.

See Base 4 Setup for optimal grid setups.

Base 4 Building Types[edit | edit source]

  • Building Mats - Generates Building Materials, used for unlocking more base slots and upgrading buildings. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.
  • Parts - Generates Parts, used for upgrading buildings. Cost Building Materials to upgrade.
  • W. Components - Drains Building Materials to generate Warp Components. Warp Components increase Warp Essence Gained after a prestige. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.
  • 2x Booster - Multiplies the production and drain of buildings in a + shape with 2x range. Costs Parts to upgrade.
  • Drain Reduce - Reduces the drain of diagonally adjacent buildings. Costs Building Materials to upgrade.

Base 4 One-Time Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Hover for details.

Linked Base EfficiencyBase 1 Production Multiplier x10
Base 2 Production Multiplier x10
Base 3 Production Multiplier x10
Cost: 5.00e9
RetrofittingRetrofits +1
Cost: 5.00e12
Uncapped Power BoostsRemoves the need to purchase max level increase for power boosts. also unlocks new bonus scaling for reactor
Cost: 5.00e19
Base 4 SecurityUnlocks ability to start at base 4 on prestige
Cost: 5.00e20

Base 3 and 4 Extra Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for R1, Sectors 40/55 (click here to dismiss)

These upgrades appear after reinforcing once.
Base 3:

Synth KnowledgeBonus to Synth
Synth Speed x5
Cost: 2.00e27

Base 4:

Research KnowledgeSuper massive increase to research capabilities
Bonus to Research x100
Cost: 5.00e21
Upgrade Weapon and Defense CoresUnlocks Next Tier for most weapons and shields.
Cost: 5.00e35

Base 5[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for R1, Sectors 74+ (click here to dismiss)

Base 5

Base 5 is unlocked upon clearing sector 73 after reinforcing once. Most of the base production multipliers don't apply to base 5, instead base 5 has its own "Base 5 Production" multipliers. Base 5's prestige bonus is Crew Mastery Gained, which is calculated using the formula `1.03^max(log10(components), 0)`.

See Base 5 Setup for optimal grid setups.

Base 5 Building Types

  • Alien Materials - Generates Alien Materials, used for unlocking more base slots and upgrading buildings. Cost Alien Materials to upgrade.
  • Alien Parts - Generates Alien Parts, used for upgrading buildings. Costs Alien Materials to upgrade.
  • M. Components - Drain Alien Materials and Alien Parts to generate Mastery Components. Mastery Components increase Crew Mastery Gained after a prestige. Costs Alien Parts to upgrade.
  • Booster - Multiplies the production and drain of diagonally adjacent buildings. Costs Alien Parts to upgrade.
  • Drain Reduce - Reduces the drain of orthogonally adjacent buildings. Costs Alien Materials to upgrade.

Base 5 One-Time Upgrades

Hover for details.

Capital ResearchUnlocks new research options when in a capital ship
Cost: 2.00e4
Base 5 SecurityUnlocks ability to start at base 5 on prestige
Cost: 2.00e6
Capital SupportAll Capital Damage x1.5
All Capital Max Shields x1.5
Cost: 2.00e11
Fighter SupportFighter Damage x2
Fighter Durability x2
Cost: 2.00e15

Base Finalizing[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for R5+ (click here to dismiss)

After reinforcing 5 times, bases can be finalized by getting enough components. Finalizing a base will improve and cap its prestige bonus, and finalized bases stay finalized through reinforces.

You need the Base Mastery upgrade in page 2 of mastery upgrades for finalizing to take a reasonable amount of time. Base 1 should be finalized around sector 100-104 while Bases 2-5 should be finalized around sector 108.
Base Finalizing Requirements
Base Components Required Bonus
Base 1 1.00e161 Damage x1.00e27
Max Shields x1.00e27
Base 2 3.00e151 Compute Speed x2.00e16
Base 3 5.00e166 Synth Speed x1.00e9
Base 4 1.00e87 Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x2.00e5
Base 5 5.00e40 Mastery Gain Multiplier x5

Finalizing all 5 bases unlocks a new base.

Base 6[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for R5+ (click here to dismiss)

Base 6

Base 6 is unlocked after finalizing bases 1-5. Its component bonus is a multiplier to Fleet Artifacts Gained. Uniquely, it doesn't require players to prestige in order to activate the bonus, instead it is applied instantly. The bonus is calculated using the formula `1.03^max(log10(components), 0)`.

See Base 6 Setup for optimal grid setups.

Base 6 Building Types

  • Mats - Generates Materials, used for unlocking more base slots and upgrading buildings. Costs Materials to upgrade.
  • Parts - Drain Materials to generate Parts, used for unlocking more base slots and upgrading buildings. Costs Materials to upgrade.
  • F. Components - Drain Materials and Parts to generate Fleet Components. Fleet Components increase Fleet Artifacts Gained. Costs Parts to upgrade.
  • Mats Booster - Multiplies the production of all adjacent Material buildings, in a range of 2. Costs Materials to upgrade.
  • Parts Booster - Multiplies the production and drain of all orthogonally adjacent Parts buildings, in a range of 3. Costs Parts to upgrade.
  • Components Booster - Multiplies the production and drain of all diagonally adjacent Components buildings, in a range of 3. Costs Parts to upgrade.
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