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From Official Unnamed Space Idle Wiki
Warning!This page contains various spoilers throughout the game, which are intertwined with the rest of the content and can't be separated in a meaningful way.
Read at your own discretion.

There are a variety of enemies in Unnamed Space Idle, which are the main obstacle in the players way. This article details different enemy classes, types, and mechanics surrounding them.

Enemies spawn in waves, the type of which depend on the current Sector, although different types may spawn depending on how far the player is in the sector. A wave will spawn every 12 seconds by default, and this can be sped up using certain modules, or by actively advancing forward.

A maximum of 100 enemies can be active at once, after which no more will spawn until some are destroyed.

Enemy Classes[edit | edit source]

Classes can be distinguished by an enemies color. They affect how players need to approach the enemies in a given sector, without changing the enemies behavior directly.

Hulled[edit | edit source]

Hulled Enemies

Hulled Enemies are the most basic enemy class. They have a certain amount of Hull, and will be destroyed once this falls to 0.
First Appearance: Sector 1

Shielded[edit | edit source]

Shielded Enemies

Shielded Enemies are the second enemy type players will encounter. In additon to their Hull, they also have Shields which need to be drained before the hull can be damaged. Different shielded enemies may have different shield regen rates, which can make them a lot harder to deal with (and often require a Beam Laser in order to stop them from regenerating).
First Appearance: Sector 3

Beam Weapons[edit | edit source]

Beam enemies are the first type of enemies regardless what type or class is. They act similar to the Beam Laser in Core, completely preventing the player's shield from regenerating(even for Continuous Generator) for as long as a beam is connected to the player.
First Appearance: Sector 16 - route C

Armored[edit | edit source]

Armored Enemies

Armored Enemies don't have Hull like the others, but Armor instead (although they are effectively the same thing). The difference with Armor is that Laser weapons only deal 25% of their normal damage to it. Kinetic weapons are needed to effectively take out armored enemies.
First Appearance: Sector 21

Mixed[edit | edit source]

Mixed Enemies

Mixed Enemies behave like normal Armored enemies, just with an additional layer of shields on top of their armor. Like Shielded Enemies, they may also have vastly different shield regen rates.
First Appearance: Sector 25 - route A, but more common starting from Sector 39

Massive Weapons[edit | edit source]

Another noteworthy addition that enemies can have regardless of type or class are so-called Massive Weapons (also referred to as Huge Weapons). As the name says, these deal massive damage to the player and can often drain their shields in one hit. Usually Massive Weapon have a long charge time and a very low fire rate, so they can best be countered by using one or more Deflector Shields.
First Appearance: Sector 45

Phasing[edit | edit source]

Phasing Enemies

Phasing Enemies are normal Armored enemies, but introduce a new mechanic: Phasing. These enemies have a separate value called Phase Jump Power, and will fade out after a short while or upon being hit (without taking damage). Once phasing, they can't be damaged unless player does 20x overkill damage in a single hit. Instead, a Disruption Charge is needed to disrupt their ability. Each tick of the Disruption Charge will decrease the Phase Jump Power by 1, and once it reaches 0 the enemy won't be able to phase anymore.
First Appearance: Sector 53

Mixed Phasing[edit | edit source]

Mixed Phasing Enemies

Mixed Phasing Enemies behave just like normal phasing enemies, but with an additional layer of shields, like normal Mixed Enemies.
First Appearance: Sector 60

Barriers[edit | edit source]

Barriers aren't an enemy class like the others, since all classes and types can potentially have them. Instead, they act as a shield around the enemy, which reduces any incoming damage by 99.9% (resulting in a 1000x reduction in damage), until the barrier has been drained.

Each hit from a non-Beam Laser, non-Disruption Charge weapon will reduce the enemies barrier by 1, and once it hits 0 it will break entirely, allowing the player to hit them like normal.
First Appearance: Sector 69

Enemy Types[edit | edit source]

This list is not entirely complete, as the game currently handles enemies in a very convoluted and unclear manner, resulting in some enemy types using wrong or unique icons or colors, sharing icons, or being named unconventionally. Nonetheless it lists every major enemy type, and their differences.

Fighters[edit | edit source]


Fighters are the most basic enemy type there is. They fly at a medium speed, have an average amount of health, and simply approach the player until they are a short distance away from them.
First Appearance: Sector 1

Skirmishers[edit | edit source]


Skirmishers are small, fast-approaching, but fragile enemies that rapidly move towards the player until they are right in front of them.
First Appearance: Sector 2

Swarmers[edit | edit source]

Swarmers are are a sub-type of Skirmishers that attack in swarms, trying to overwhelm the player. They also rapidly approach, and stop right in front of the player.
First Appearance: Sector 16 - route A

Snipers[edit | edit source]


Snipers are slow-moving enemies that keep their distance from the player, charging up strong, long-ranged shots. They have a normal amount of health.
First Appearance: Sector 6

Juggernauts[edit | edit source]


Juggernauts are big, slow-moving enemies that stay a medium distance away from the player, have high health, and often deal a lot of damage.
First Appearance: Sector 9 - route A

Carriers[edit | edit source]

Carriers periodically spawn other enemies. The types of enemies they spawn are displayed next to them on the sector data screen, with smaller icons. Enemies spawned by carriers don't drop any resources, shards, researches, or crew XP. They don't count towards the nomal 100 enemy cap but have a separated count themselves(which seems also is 100) , although they still count as kills for Achievements. Some Bosses can also be Carriers, though sector data doesn't show that.
Exclusive to Sectors 63-74

Special Enemies[edit | edit source]

These enemies have special ways of spawning and/or interact with the battle differently.

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Boss Enemies

At the end of each sector, players will face a Boss. These bosses have increased health and damage, and once they are defeated players can proceed to the next sector. Retreating during a boss fight counts as losing, and will set the players shields to 0. Killing a boss also despawns all normal enemies. In sector 1 to 74, existing normal enemies act normally but no new ones spawn while fighting the boss, but in sector 75+, enemies spawn normally while fighting the boss.
First Appearance: Sector 1

Santaliens[edit | edit source]

Santaliens can only be spawned during the Spacemas event. Santaliens have no weapons, wander around in the battlefield, and have a damage cap of 2.5%, meaning no matter the damage received, a Santalien will always take at least 40 hits to kill. Killing a Santalien grants 5 Giftium.

Spoilers for Sectors 82-117+ (click here to dismiss)



Frigates are big enemies that stay a medium distance away from the player. They can only be spawned by enemy Capital Ships with hangars.
First Appearance: Sector 82

Veiled Freighters

Veiled Freighters can only be pulled from the Veil Piercer. They have no weapons, wander around in the battlefield, and have a damage cap of 5%, meaning no matter the damage received, a Veiled Freighter will always take at least 20 hits to kill. Some Veiled Freighters drops Key Shards, and in Reinforce 4 or higher, they also drop Specimens. If the Veil Piercer is at level 10 or higher, killing a Veiled Freighter grants siphoning, which acts as a timeskip to certain systems.
First Appearance: Sector 92. Veil Piercer doesn't do anything in Sectors 91 and below.


Torpedos can only be spawned by Capital Ships with a torpedo launcher. They travel at a medium speed and can be destroyed by S. Battle weapons. Torpedos have a new hp type, Integrity, which is similar to hull but is not affected by the pink effect on the Damage Target Shard and is instead affected by the "Torpedo Shredding" node on the Point Defense Amp. If a Torpedo is not destroyed in time, it will deal massive capital damage depending on the percentage of its integrity when it reaches the player, usually enough to drain all of the player's Capital Shields in one hit if at full integrity. Torpedos also have shot scaling but this should not matter in normal gameplay.
First Appearance: Sector 117

Capital Ships[edit | edit source]

Spoilers for Sectors 75+ (click here to dismiss)

Capital Enemies

Capital Ships are a special type of enemy, appearing only in sector 75+. They constantly stay at the top of the screen, and will attack the player separately from normal enemies. Capital Weapons are needed to attack them, and Capital Shields are needed to tank damage from them. Instead of destroying them, reducing their hull to 0 will temporarily prevent them from firing, allowing the players Capital Shields to regenerate. Capital Ships also have shot scaling which multiplicatively increases their damage over time, and disabling them will reset it. When moving to the end of the sector, the existing Capital Ship will move closer and become a boss with higher stats.

Capital Ships also have at least two parts, which when broken by fighters will temporarily weaken it and grant advanced resources:

  • Breaking Turret Power grants Pulverium and causes the Capital Ship to deal 0.5x damage for 6-7 seconds.
  • Breaking Defensive Plating grants Fortifium and causes the Capital Ship to receive 2x damage for 6-7 seconds.

Anti Fighter Turrets

All enemy Capital Ships are equipped with anti fighter turrets that will try to destroy fighters when they get close. Most Capital Ships in Sectors 75-89 have 2 anti fighter turrets and disabling the main Capital Ship will also disable those turrets, while most Capital Ships in Sector 90+ have 4 turrets and they always fire regardless of whether the main ship is disabled.

There are different types of anti fighter turrets:

  • Normal: standard fire rate and damage.

First Appearance: Sector 75

  • Slow: very low fire rate and has a charge time stat, but with extremely high damage that can usually oneshot your fighters, can be countered by agile fighters.

First Appearance: Sector 86

  • Fast: standard damage and very high fire rate, designed to reduce the effectiveness of agile fighters.

First Appearance: Sector 93

  • Missile: standard damage, slightly increased fire rate, and can not be evaded. completely counters agile fighters.

First Appearance: Sector 113

  • Sniper: similar to slow, but with seemingly infinite range.

First Appearance: Sector 115

Massive Hull Capital Ships

Massive Hull Capital Ships have 100x as much hull compared to normal Capital Ships, but their Defensive Plating has much less health, and breaking it will make the enemy receive 200x damage for 14 seconds.
It's noticed that Massive Hull Capital Ships' Turret Power parts have more HP and drop Pulverium more than normal Capital Ships.
First Appearance: Sector 77 - route A

Massive Weapon Capital Ships

Massive Weapon Capital Ships deal 5x as much damage compared to normal Capital Ships, but their Turret Power has much less health, and breaking it will make the enemy deal 0.1x damage for 14 seconds.
It's noticed that Massive Weapon Capital Ships' Defensive Plating have more HP and drop Fortifium more than normal Capital Ships.
First Appearance: Sector 77 - route B

Capital Ship Hangar

Capital Ship Hangar have a additional "Hanger bay" part that will spawn other S. Battle enemies. These S. Battle enemies are usually much stronger than those spawned from waves. Breaking "Hanger Bay" grants Adaptium and stops Hanger releasing enemies for 24-26 seconds.
First Appearance: Sector 82

Capital Ship Cycler

Capital Ship Cycler's parts have much more hp, but stay broken much longer and grant much more resources.
First Appearance: Sector 84

Capital High Health Hearty

Capital High Health Hearty is a sub-type of Massive Hull Capital Ships which also have more Hull HP and receive 200x damage for 14 seconds when Defensive Plating is broken. However, their Defensive Plating have much more HP than Turret Power, which is opposite to Massive Hull Capital Ships.
First Appearance: Sector 90

Barrier Capital

These Capital Ships have a Regenerating barrier, which plays similar role to barriers that appear on S. Battle Barrier Enemies, also reducing damage by 99.9%. However, Barriers on Capital Ships regenerate quickly when broken, requiring Burst Cannon to be able to damage them normally.
First Appearance: Sector 95

Support Weapons

Support Weapons are additional turrets on Capital Ships that will constantly fire at your Capital Shield even while the Capital Ship is disabled, making you unable to activate Improved Shield Regen and eventually get pushed out of the sector. A level 10 Capital Shield 2.0 with "Adaptive Regen Shields" node is required to stay in a sector with Support Weapons. Support weapons do not have shot scaling.
First Appearance: Sector 103

Shielded Capital Ships

"Shielded Capital Ships" act similar to S. Battle shielded enemies, also with various shield ratio and regen rates. These Capital Ships have a new part, "Shield Generator", which replaces the Hangar Bay. Breaking "Shield Generator" grants Adaptium and either disables Shield Regen or sets it to a very low value(like x0.01) for 10-14 seconds.
First Appearance: Sector 104

Capital Torpedo Launcher

Capital Torpedo Launcher are equipped with a torpedo launcher, spawning torpedos which travel slowly but deal massive damage. S. Battle weapons can target this torpedo to damage it or destroy it. The Capital Ship also has a new part, Torpedo Tubes, replacing the Turret Power. Breaking the Torpedo Tubes grants Pulverium and reduces Torpedo spawn rate, speed, and damage.
First Appearance: Sector 117

Capital Reactive Armor

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