Read at your own discretion.
AI Upgrades are permanent upgrades to various systems, that automate certain aspects, or offer quality of life benefits. They can be bought with AI Points, which can be earned by Achievements, doing a daily backup, or buying them. They can also be spent on various consumables, although these can also be earned through normal progression.
Automations[edit | edit source]
These upgrades mainly focus on automating certain aspects of the game, like buying upgrades or spending resources.
Name | Effect | Cost | Requirements |
Auto Merge | Enables a toggle for automatically merging shards as you acquire them. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. | 300 AI Points | V-Device unlocked |
Core Auto Upgrade | Enables a toggle for automatically buying core upgrades every 5 seconds. | 450 AI Points | none |
Compute Auto Salvage | Adds an option to automatically update salvage consumption based on 1% of your income. | 300 AI Points | none |
Compute Power Auto | Adds an option to automatically purchase compute power when it costs 50% of your total void matter. | 450 AI Points | none |
Compute Optimize Button | Adds an optimize button that distributes compute power for maximal results. | 150 AI Points | none |
Compute Auto Optimize | Adds an option to automatically optimize compute every 10 seconds. | 150 AI Points | Compute Optimize Button bought |
Smart Craft | Enables smart crafting for first synth slot which will automatically craft all the needed materials. | 450 AI Points | Synth unlocked |
Smart Craft 2 | Enables smart crafting for second synth slot. | 300 AI Points | Smart Craft bought |
Smart Craft 3 | Enables smart crafting for third synth slot. | 150 AI Points | Smart Craft 2 bought |
Smart Craft 4 | Enables smart crafting for fourth synth slot. | 100 AI Points | Smart Craft 3 bought |
Module Auto Craft | Adds an option to coordinate all synths to craft specific modules, can be queued. | 300 AI Points | Smart Craft 4 bought |
Synth Upgrades Buy Max | Adds a button to the synth point upgrades area that buys all the upgrades you can afford, in the current sort order. | 300 AI Points | Synth unlocked |
Fixtures Auto Select | Adds options to fixtures to automatically start another one upon completion. | 600 AI Points | Fixtures unlocked |
Reactor Auto Buy | Adds an option to automatically purchase reactor upgrades when you can afford them and have a positive power gain. | 300 AI Points | Reactor unlocked |
Reactor Power Manager | Adds an option to automatically set power boost levels as high as possible while maintaining power gain. | 450 AI Points | Reactor Boost Levels unlocked |
Reactor VM Manager | Adds an option to automatically set Void Matter conversion level based on income. | 300 AI Points | Reactor Power Manager bought |
Overdrive Auto | Adds options to automatically use overdrives or swap to next when full(Actives do not work offline) | 600 AI Points | Overdrives unlocked |
Overdrive Charge Auto | Adds a check box to indicate which charge speed should be auto purchased when auto buy is enabled | 600 AI Points | Overdrives unlocked |
Research Auto Select | Automatically selects the next research when the one is completed. | 75 AI Points | Research unlocked |
Research Data Core Auto | Adds an option to automatically distribute Data Cores between selected sections. | 600 AI Points | Capital Research unlocked |
Base Auto Upgrade | Adds option to automatically purchase base building upgrades when affordable. | 450 AI Points | Base 1 unlocked |
Auto Warp | Adds an option to instantly run & gain warp essence from your lowest non-capped warp if all cores are fully charged. Works offline. | 450 AI Points | Warp Drive unlocked |
Warp Upgrades Buy Max | Adds a button to the warp upgrades screen that buys all the upgrades you can afford, cheapest first. | 300 AI Points | Warp Drive unlocked |
Crew XP/Skill Auto Buy | Adds option to automatically purchase Crew XP and Skill when affordable | 450 AI Points | Crew unlocked |
Crew Stat Auto Switcher | Adds option to automatically switch stat being leveled based on lowest time to level. | 450 AI Points | Crew unlocked |
Crew Reprint Button | Adds a reprint button on active crew members that retires and then automatically prints them again. | 75 AI Points | Crew unlocked |
Crew Auto Reprint | Adds an option to automatically reprint a crew member at designated stat level gain. Also adds a setting to auto-reassign upgrades. | 450 AI Points | Crew Reprint Button bought |
Fleet Repeat Last Run | Adds a button that will automatically complete galaxy nodes based on what was done on the previous run | 750 AI Points | Fleet unlocked |
Fleet Repeat Auto Battle | Repeat last run can now fully re-run the battles to get improved results when your stats increase | 750 AI Points | Fleet Repeat Last Run bought |
Fleet Repeat Auto Improve | Adds an option to repeat auto that attempts to improve your battles by removing a ship if possible. | 600 AI Points | Fleet Repeat Auto Battle bought |
Splice Aspect Automation | Adds settings that allow you to choose what to focus with Discipline and Aspects | 300 AI Points | Crew Splicing unlocked |
Adaptations Auto Cheapest | Adds option to automatically switch adaptation based on lowest time to level | 600 AI Points | Crew Splicing unlocked |
Quality of Life[edit | edit source]
These upgrades focus on adding quality of life improvements, like loadouts, or allowing to pin module recipes.
Name | Effect | Cost | Requirements |
Custom Tab Order | Unlocks buttons that allow you to re-arrange the main feature tabs. | 25 AI Points | none |
Auto Navigate | Unlocks button when viewing sector data to attempt to automatically navigate to that sector. | 25 AI Points | none |
Auto Navigate Distance | Adds the ability to set a specific distance when using Auto Navigate | 50 AI Points | Auto Navigate bought |
Loadout Slot | Unlocks a loadout slot. | 5 AI Points | none |
2nd to 6th Loadout Slot | Unlocks another loadout slot. | 100 AI Points each | previous Loadout Slot bought |
7th and 8th Loadout Slot | Unlocks another loadout slot. | 50 AI Points each | previous Loadout Slot bought |
9th to 12th Loadout Slot | Unlocks another loadout slot. | 25 AI Points each | previous Loadout Slot bought |
Increased Offline Max | Increases max offline time to 4 days. Calculations may become very inaccurate. | 50 AI Points | none |
Module Pinning | Allows you to pin 8 module recipes on the main synth screen. | 50 AI Points | none |
Custom Module Order | Unlocks buttons that allow you to re-arrange your modules. | 25 AI Points | none |
Shard Stat Totals Display | Adds a display that shows stat totals from equipped shards. | 50 AI Points | none |
Base Loadouts | Ads 3 loadout slots to each base to allow saving and loadout grid loadouts. | 300 AI Points | none |
Accumulation[edit | edit source]
As players accumulate AI points, permanent upgrades can be unlocked at certain milestones. Only earned AI Points count towards this, meaning players can spend their points on upgrades without having to worry about these milestones. Note that the milestones from 9000-14000 AI Points only show up after reaching Sector 75 and milestones from 19000-24000 AI Points only show up after Reinforcing 5 times.
AI Points Accumulated | Effect |
250 | Salvage Amount Multiplier x1.25 |
500 | Compute Power x1.5 |
750 | Damage x1.25 Max Shields x1.25 |
1000 | Unlock Consumables |
1500 | Synth Speed x1.1 |
2000 | Void Power Generation x1.5 Max Void Power x1.5 |
2500 | Bonus to Research x1.5 |
3000 | Damage x1.25 Max Shields x1.25 |
4000 | Unlock Blue Ship Design |
9000 | Capital Damage x1.25 Capital Max Shields x1.25 |
10000 | Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25 |
11000 | Crew XP Gain Multiplier x2 |
12000 | Fighter Damage x1.15 Fighter Durability x1.15 |
13000 | Fighter Efficiency x1.15 |
14000 | Capital Damage x1.15 Capital Max Shields x1.15 |
19000 | Bonus to Specimen Research x1.25 |
20000 | Synth Speed x1.1 |
21000 | Fighter Damage x1.1 Fighter Durability x1.1 |
22000 | Mastery Gain Multiplier x1.1 |
23000 | Capital Damage x1.1 Capital Max Shields x1.1 |
24000 | Astrium Fuel Efficiency x1.01 |
Consumables[edit | edit source]
Consumables are useful, single-use items that can be bought for AI Points in order to grant the player certain bonuses or benefits. They can also be obtained at several points during normal progression.
Name | Effect | Cost |
Extra Retrofit | Squeeze some extra use out of spare materials and gain +1 retrofit for this run, requires retrofits to be unlocked. (The retrofit will be lost on prestige so be sure to use it) | 50 AI Points |
6 Hour Time Skip | Use warp technology to skip 6 hours into the future, gaining all resources that would have been aquired. (Works the same as offline time) | 125 AI Points |
Base Prestige | Utilize advanced techniques to gain base benefits as if you had prestiged. (Gain pending bonuses and unlock new slots) | 300 AI Points |
Crew Mastery Respec | Alter your crew data and fully reset and refund mastery points. WARNING: this will do things like turn off modules and shard links, double check everything after use. | 400 AI Points |
Splice Upgrades Respec | Resets the upgrades from Humanity or Corruption Points. WARNING: this will do things like turn off modules and shard links, double check everything after use. Same resource as Crew Mastery Respec. | 400 AI Points |
Crew Sleeve Respec | Fully reset your sleeves and crew mastery progress. Same effect as doing a prestige but just for crew. | 100 AI Points |
Unnamed Space Idle Wiki | |
Systems | Core • Compute • Synth • V-Device • Prestige • Reactor • Research • Bases • Challenges • Warp Drive • Crew • Reinforce • Fleet |
General | Resources • AI • Enemies • Secret Codes |
Progression | Achievements • Unlocks • Offline Progress |
Gameplay | Standard • Capital • Fleet |
Events | Spacemas • Spaceversary |
Guides | All Guides • Ship Configuration • Core Computing • Synth Purity • Power Hungry • Base Carry • Galaxies |
Internal | Icons |